Courtroom Presentation & Technology

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From discovery to verdict to final appeal, BlumPro provides customized preparation and presentation of evidentiary material at trial and other dispute resolution proceedings.

[ceres_icon_block icon=”fa-laptop” icon_color=”#fab702″ icon_position=”left” icon_block_style=”outline” heading_text=”Presentation Consulting” link_text=”Learn More” link_url=”url:%23|title:More|”]Anyone can learn how to run software. The difficult part of being a great trial technician is an ability to stay cool under the pressures of trial, quickly troubleshoot issues, and have the technology operate seamless with your case.[/ceres_icon_block]
[ceres_icon_block icon=”fa-user” icon_color=”#fab702″ icon_position=”left” icon_block_style=”outline” heading_text=”Technologist / Hot-seat Trail Tech” link_text=”Learn More” link_url=”url:%23|title:More|”]

Our Trial Technologist will be at your side from day one of witness rehearsals to the closing arguments. We always provide two identical laptops and hard drives, so nothing is left to chance.


[ceres_icon_block icon=”fa-play-circle” icon_position=”left” heading_text=”Deposition Video Management” link_text=”Learn More” link_url=”url:%23|title:More|” icon_color=”#fab702″ icon_block_style=”outline”]The video components of TrialDirector allow us to make designations (clips), play back video with scrolling text, and create reports showing designation times with great expediency.[/ceres_icon_block]
[ceres_icon_block icon=”fa-database” icon_position=”left” heading_text=”Exhibit Databases Creation” link_text=”Learn More” link_url=”url:%23|title:More|” icon_color=”#fab702″ icon_block_style=”outline”]Using trial presentation systems like TrialDirector, we can create a centralized database of your case files. We can use your load files, PDFs, or scan your exhibits if digital copies are not available.[/ceres_icon_block]
[ceres_icon_block icon=”fa-sitemap” icon_position=”left” heading_text=”Courtroom Survey” link_text=”Learn More” link_url=”url:%23|title:More|” icon_color=”#fab702″ icon_block_style=”outline”]We will begin by investigating the courtroom itself, conducting an “on site” inspection in order to know what equipment best suits your needs and what is required.[/ceres_icon_block]
[ceres_icon_block icon=”fa-institution” icon_position=”left” heading_text=”Courtroom Preparation” link_text=”Learn More” link_url=”url:%23|title:More|” icon_color=”#fab702″ icon_block_style=”outline”]Following the survey, we will present our plan, outlining all equipment necessary for an optimum presentation. We will also work with opposing counsel in order to arrange an agreement to share the costs.[/ceres_icon_block]
[ceres_icon_block icon=”fa-building-o” icon_position=”left” heading_text=”War Room Preparation” link_text=”Learn More” link_url=”url:%23|title:More|” icon_color=”#fab702″ icon_block_style=”outline”]We work with your trial team to set up witness preparation areas and ensure that your war room space will enable you to work effectively with witnesses and in preparing for trial.[/ceres_icon_block]
[ceres_icon_block icon=”fa-print” icon_position=”left” heading_text=”Scanning and Printing” link_text=”Learn More” link_url=”url:%23|title:More|” icon_block_style=”outline” icon_color=”#fab702″]For cases that do not provide exhibits in digital formats with load files, we can offer to do the scanning for you. We can also handle large format documents, high resolution color scans, image tiling, document restoration.[/ceres_icon_block]

Get something started.

[ceres_button_solid button_label=”Contact BlumPro Now” button_size=”lg” button_icon_position=”left” button_float=”none” button_fill_effect=”center-diagonally” button_label_color=”#ffffff” button_label_hover_color=”#222222″ button_background_color=”#333333″ button_background_hover_color=”#ffffff” button_url=”||”]